(ref::landscape)= # Landscape Landscape is a systems management tool designed to help you manage and monitor your Ubuntu systems from a unified platform. > See more: [Landscape | Documentation ](https://ubuntu.com/landscape/docs) In UP4W, Landscape consists of a remote server and two clients: 1. the usual Ubuntu-side client, in this case a [Landscape client](ref::landscape-client) that comes automatically with any Ubuntu WSL instance, and 2. a Windows-side client, a Landscape client that is built into the [UP4W Windows Agent](ref::up4w-windows-agent). The latter offers advantages unique to Ubuntu WSL – the ability to create new instances through Landscape and the ability to configure all your instances at scale (when you configure the Windows-side client, the UP4W agent forwards the configuration to the client on each instance). (ref::landscape-config)= ## Landscape configuration schema Both Landscape clients are configured via a single, plain text configuration file (e.g., `landscape.conf` or `landscape.ini`). This file is provided to the Windows host. The schema for this file is the same as Landscape for Ubuntu desktop or server, with a few additional keys specific to the WSL settings, which can be grouped into keys that affect just the Windows-side client and keys that affect both the Windows-side client and the Ubuntu WSL-side client(s). These additions are documented below. > See more: [Landscape | Configure Ubuntu Pro for WSL for Landscape](https://ubuntu.com/landscape/docs/register-wsl-hosts-to-landscape/) Here is an example of what the configuration looks like: ```ini [host] url = landscape-server.domain.com:6554 [client] url = https://landscape-server.domain.com/message-system ping_url = http://landscape-server.domain.com/ping account_name = standalone log_level = debug ssl_public_key = C:\Users\user\Downloads\landscape_server.pem ``` ### Host This section contains settings unique to the Windows-side client. Currently these consist of a single key: - `url`: The URL of your Landscape account followed by a colon (`:`) and the port number. Port 6554 is the default for Landscape Quickstart installations. ### Client This section contains settings used by both clients. Most keys in this section behave the same way they would on a traditional Landscape setup. Only the following keys behave differently: - `ssl_public_key`: This key must be a Windows path. The WSL instances will have this path translated automatically. - `computer_title`: This key will be ignored. Instead, each WSL instance will use its Distro name as computer title. - `hostagent_uid`: This key will be ignored. > See more: [GitHub | Landscape client configuration schema](https://github.com/canonical/landscape-client/blob/master/example.conf)