Back up, restore and duplicate Ubuntu WSL instances


You may need to backup one of your Ubuntu WSL instances, if you want to:

  • Perform a clean installation without losing data

  • Create a snapshot before experimenting with your instance

  • Share a pre-configured instance between machines

  • Duplicate an instance so it can be run and configured independently

Backing up


For simplicity, PowerShell commands in this section will all be run from the home directory of the user me.

To backup an Ubuntu-24.04 instance first make a backup folder in your home directory:

PS C:\Users\me> mkdir backup

You then need to create a compressed version of the Ubuntu instance in that backup directory:

PS C:\Users\me> wsl --export Ubuntu-24.04 .\backup\Ubuntu-24.04.tar.gz

Removal and deletion

Once you have created a backup of your Ubuntu distro it is safe to remove it from WSL and delete all associated data.

This can be achieved with the following command:

PS C:\Users\me> wsl --unregister Ubuntu-24.04


If you want to restore the Ubuntu-24.04 instance that you have previously backed up run:

PS C:\Users\me> wsl --import Ubuntu-24.04 .\backup\Ubuntu2404\ .\backup\Ubuntu-24.04.tar.gz

This will import your previous data and if you run ubuntu2404.exe an Ubuntu WSL instance should be restored with your previous configuration intact.

To login as a user k, created with the original instance, run:

PS C:\Users\me> wsl -d Ubuntu-24.04 -u k

Alternatively, add the following to /etc/wsl.conf in the instance:


Without specifying a user you will be logged in as the root user.


It is also possible to create multiple instances from a base instance. Below the restore process is repeated but the new instances are assigned different names than the original backup:

PS C:\Users\me> wsl --import ubuntu2404b .\backup\Ubuntu2404b\ .\backup\Ubuntu-24.04.tar.gz
PS C:\Users\me> wsl --import ubuntu2404c .\backup\Ubuntu2404c\ .\backup\Ubuntu-24.04.tar.gz

This will create two additional instances of Ubuntu 24.04 that can be launched and configured independently.

In PowerShell, running wsl -l -v will output the new instances in your list of installed distributions:

NAME            STATE         VERSION
Ubuntu-24.04    Stopped       2
ubuntu2404b     Stopped       2
ubuntu2404c     Stopped       2

To launch the first derived instance and login as the user k run:

PS C:\Users\me> wsl -d ubuntu2404b -u k