Configure the Landscape client with UP4W

Choose a configuration method

The Landscape client can be configured in two ways:

  • Windows registry: easier to automate and deploy at scale

  • Graphical Windows application: convenient option for individual users

Click the appropriate tab to read more.

Access the registry

First, ensure that UP4W has run at least once after installation. This ensures that the key and values necessary for configuration will be set up in the registry.

Advanced users of the registry can find relevant information in the Microsoft documentation about alternative methods for modifying the registry data.

To open the registry type Win+R and enter regedit:

Windows where regedit command is run.

Configure Landscape in the registry

If you are using Landscape you can input your configuration in LandscapeConfig > Modify > Write the Landscape config:

Windows registry with child window showing Landscape configuration.

Refer to the section on Landscape client configuration for an example.

After you have populated the configuration with data you should be ready to create and manage automatically Pro-attaching WSL instances through Landscape:

Windows registry showing completed Ubuntu Pro for WSL configuration.

Configuring the landscape client

Both the LandscapeConfig data in the Windows registry and the Advanced Configuration option in the graphical Windows application can be configured as follows:

url =

url =
ping_url  =
account_name = standalone
log_level = debug
ssl_public_key = C:\Users\user\Downloads\landscape_server.pem


The ping_url must be a http address. A https address will not work.

A more comprehensive example of the configuration options is provided here.